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Officials seeking options for pool

By Sara Strong
The future of the Rock County Pool and Fitness Center was again discussed Monday by the city, county and pool boards.

While the discussion mostly dealt with wording in an advertisement for proposals, pool and fitness members are still concerned about what those proposals could mean for the facility.

The city and county, which jointly own the Pool and Fitness Center, will advertise requests for proposals for other companies or individuals to lease, manage or purchase the facility. But that doesn't mean changes are inevitable, because the legal advertisement states that any and all proposals can be rejected.

Supporters of the Pool and Fitness Center are concerned about what sweeping changes from new owners or managers could bring to the place they frequent.

County Commissioner Jane Wildung said, "If we don’t find out what else is out there for the public, we're not doing our jobs."

The center recently raised rates 20 percent at the same time the county and city subsidy is increasing to $72,000 each in 2002.

Pool Commission representative and County Commissioner Ken Hoime said, "The subsidy has been an escalating thing, so I don't see anything wrong with seeing what's out there."

The Pool Commission, which recommends decisions to the county and city, wanted to request proposals months ago to discover whether other businesses or managers could find ways to increase membership and services without increasing government subsidies.

Wildung said the county will not be able to invest any more in the facility in the way of building or capital improvements, beyond what the subsidy is already covering.

"I’m looking at this as a way that we might find investment capital where we can get more out of the facility," Wildung said.

Luverne City Council member David Hauge said, "We can't look at this just from the business perspective I want to continue to provide the service."

Councilman Keith Erickson said he wondered what could be done internally if all proposals were turned down or if none came back to the boards.

Recent improvements to the Pool and Fitness Center have been televisions, new treadmills and elliptical walkers in the fitness area and an access ramp in the pool.

The pool ramp had been discussed for 10 years and was high on a set of goals for the center.

The request for proposals allows potential new management, owner or leasing party to decide what will be done with current employees. However, the proposal must outline those plans to the boards.

Mayor Glen Gust, who also serves on the Pool Commission, said, "As a potential buyer, I would think being forced to keep the employees would be a negative." But he added, "The staff we have now would be pretty hard to replace."

When going over any proposals, plans for current and future employees will be considered alongside the business plans for the facility.

A tentative meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, June 17, has been set to discuss the proposals and hear presentations from interested parties, if any.

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