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Winners selected in 2021 Luverne Rotary essay contest

Sixth-grader Wed Kadim's entry moves on to district competition
Lead Summary
Mavis Fodness

The Luverne Rotary Club recognized three Luverne Middle School students as winners in the annual Four-Way Test essay contest for 2021.
Wed Kadhim, the daughter of Tareq Abdulhasan and Raghad Haddad, was selected as this year’s essay winner. Kadhim earned $75 for his winning effort.
His essay titled “Social Media” will be entered in the district essay contest. His winning essay is printed below.
Coy Thone’s essay was chosen for second place ($50) and Anna Reisdorfer received third ($25).
All the students are sixth-graders. Fifteen students submitted entries into the annual contest.
The contest introduces students to the Four-Way Test, which asks four questions to gauge whether thoughts, works and actions are appropriate. The questions are: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? And will it be beneficial to all concerned?
This year’s contest was conducted differently from the past due to the coronavirus pandemic. The awards presentation in March 2020 was the last in-person meeting for the Rotarians.
Karen Willers is the club’s marketing/public relations chairperson.
“It felt good to hold one of our annual traditions again, although a bit different in format,” she wrote on the club’s social media page. “Students read their essays via Zoom to our club.”
Social Media
By Wed Kadhim
Does Social Media tell the truth? Well let's find out. We all have different opinions.
I think Social Media doesn't tell the truth because not everyone on Social Media tells the truth, like they might be lying about their age or where they are at. You never know what people might be doing these days.
Is Social Media fair to everyone? I think that it isn't because some people might not like what they are posting or maybe they are talking about a person they really enjoy talking to. It also could be when they are on vacation some people don't go on vacations and they may get jealous but they never say anything.
Can Social Media build friendship and positivity?
I think that Social Media can't build friendship and here's why. It can't because not everyone gets along so maybe they dislike each other. However it also can be dangerous and here's why. It can be dangerous because people might find out where you live, let's say Tik Tok people and can find where you live, lnstagram people might take the pictures that you posted on there and post it again and say it is theirs, or they might hacked and get into people’s identity. Snapchat is dangerous because people can have their location on and they can find out where you live, and they can put fake names or hack. But it also can be fun because you can make new friends.
Social Media is a great way to communicate with friends and family!
Most people love social media and they post everything on there but I honestly think that it's not that safe to put everything on there. Most people are comfortable with social media and some people aren’t and that's fine. Not everyone enjoys it, which is totally fine. You can't trust everyone out there, you never know what they are going to do.
Social Media can also be really bad because they might be posting inappropriate things and kids might see it as well.
Kids shouldn't have social media in the first place. It is now easier than ever to access the internet whether you are using a computer, phone, tablet.
There is no doubt that many young people are spending more and more time online, with both positive and negative consequences. Some young people become addicted to online gaming and this can mean they waste too much time playing video games. This can have a negative effect on schoolwork.
One advantage of the internet is that young people can do research for their schoolwork and homework.
We all have different opinions on Social Media; this is what I thought about Social Media.

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