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More than 30 teams sign up for Relay for Life

By Lori Ehde
If team participation is any indication, Rock County's first ever Relay For Life is shaping up to be a popular event.

During the kick-off meeting Thursday, March 15, more than 30 teams of Relay For Life walkers indicated interest in participating in the June 15 event.

The American Cancer Society had instructed local organizers to shoot for 15 teams as a goal for a first-year event.

Optimistically, they brought 25 team packets to Thursday's meeting, only to find that they hadn't brought enough.

Helen Saum, who has volunteered to organize team recruitment, said she's pleased but not necessarily surprised with the positive response.

"This area is such a committed community for supporting things," she said. "Certainly cancer has touched a lot of families in this area, so I think people want to do something about it."

The Relay for Life has become the trademark fund-raiser for the Society, the world's largest non-profit health organization committed to cancer research, education and service.

The event in Rock County will be staged on the track and field at Luverne High School.

Relay for Life involves teams of runners and walkers competing against each other to raise the most money.

Teams of individuals representing corporations, hospitals, neighborhoods and families take turns on the track with at least one team member on the track at a time.

The Relay for Life is now held nationwide, and thousands of people participate each year to help fight cancer.

The event is most noted for its luminaries that glow in memory of individuals who have died from cancer or in honor of those who have survived cancer.

Volunteers are needed to help with any part of the Rock County Relay For Life, from setting up to cleaning up.

To sign up, call co-chairs Vicki Baartman, 283-4119, or Janet Marshall, 283-4192.

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