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Luitjens, Frakes are
Rock County Outstanding Seniors

By Sara Strong
Of the many outstanding seniors in Rock County, the week of the fair brings recognition to two who clearly exemplify the spirit of volunteerism.

This year's Outstanding Senior Citizens are Annabelle Frakes and LeRoy Luitjens, both of Luverne.

Luitjens was nominated by Everett Brandenburg, on behalf of the Ben Franklin Lodge, and by the Rock County Historical Society.

Brandenburg said, "There are a lot of words to describe LeRoy Luitjens, but the word humble best describes him as he works so diligently in the community. It seems that LeRoy always has a long 'to do' list during his tireless retirement years."

That long list of "to do" items means that Luitjens is seen throughout Rock County in many capacities.

The work that's closest to his heart, Luitjens said, involves veterans. He's especially proud of being past commander at the district level for the American Legion and VFW.

He is past master and secretary of the Ben Franklin Lodge and continues to work with the Shrine Club where he once served as president.

He sits on the Designated Contribution Committee for the Minnesota Veterans Home, Luverne, and works with the veterans hospital in Sioux Falls, S.D.

He is a life member of the American Legion and VFW.

He is on the board of directors at Client Community Services Inc., Worthington, volunteers for the Retired Senior Volunteer Program and is regional chairman of the southwest Minnesota RSVP advisory council.

Luitjens is an active member of the Presbyterian Church, where he helped the church through the recent building project, and served two terms as elder.

Luitjens also volunteers for the Rock County Historical Society and is a board member of that group.

Brandenburg said, "LeRoy is a very active Mason and Shriner, always willing to lend a hand wherever he is needed. As a Shriner, he spends many hours canvassing the merchants to buy tickets for the Shrine Circus. Because of this effort, many children have the opportunity to attend the circus. LeRoy also helps at the Veterans Home to make sure residents have the opportunity to attend the Shrine Circus.

"He wears many hats in the community and his carpentry and masonry skills come in very handy as he is always ready to help with many projects."

The Historical Society said of Luitjens, "He spends many, many volunteer hours doing repair and maintenance at the Hinkly House and museum. He mows lawn and shovels snow at the museum. We depend on him for maintenance decisions in both buildings."

Frakes, the other Outstanding Senior Citizen, said, "Volunteering is its own reward. It's such a good feeling."

Helen Saum, volunteer and marketing coordinator for Luverne's Hospice Cottage, nominated Frakes.

Frakes has been assigned to 26 individual hospice patients and has volunteered almost 400 hours with Hospice. She has helped terminally ill patients in their homes and in nursing homes as well as in the hospital and Cottage.

Saum said, "To give you an idea of the value of Annabelle's work, I would like to mention just a couple situations she has provided direct volunteer support for: Annabelle stayed afternoons with a 31-year-old mother dying of cancer. Annabelle sat with her so she could spend time with her 2-year-old daughter while the husband was at work.

"Annabelle befriended a 78-year-old lady who moved to our community to be close to her son, but knew no one else. Annabelle made weekly, sometimes more often, supportive visits. During this time they developed a friendship and later Annabelle helped her make the transition from living independently in her high rise apartment to moving to the Hospice Cottage when she became too ill to live alone. Annabelle continued to visit her at The Cottage until she died."

Frakes spends two- to three-hour blocks of time at the hospice and has been a valuable tool for family members.

Frakes said, "It's hard because sometimes you end up losing your friends, but it's worth it. They come [to The Cottage] at such a vulnerable time. I consider it a privilege to work at the Hospice."

Frakes is well traveled through Elder Hostel programs and spends much of her summers at a lake home. She is also a volunteer coffee pourer at the Minnesota Veterans Home through the Auxiliary and volunteers to visit with residents at the Mary Jane Brown Good Samaritan Home, Luverne, through RSVP.

She is a member of the volunteer reading group, Bookin' Buddies, and the Luverne Elementary Child Guide program.

Jodi Rops and Joanne Gabrielson of Luverne Child Guides said, "One of the programs we started this year was 'Breakfast Visitors.' This is where anyone from the community can come to the school during school breakfast and eat and visit with those eating breakfast. Ms. Frakes was a frequent visitor at this. She came approximately three times a week. She made the kids feel comfortable and was there for them to talk to. She had a genuine interest in school and the students she was talking to. The students looked forward to seeing her."

Frakes helped students when studying the 50 states by returning from a trip to Hawaii with souvenirs and educational items.

Rops and Gabrielson said in their nomination letter, "She has a genuine interest in youth, and is definitely an asset to our young people. Rock County needs to be proud of this outstanding lady."

Other nominees
Julie Schuur was nominated by George Bonnema. He said, "She actively pursues ways she can be of service to others. Julie is willing and able to help when asked to serve - whether that service involves young or old, church or community, local or world needs."

Alvina Hitch was nominated by Raevette Loonan, who said, "One of the obstacles that Alvina overcomes/struggles with is the ability to get all of her volunteer activities fit into her schedule. Alvina is caring, sincere and funny. She also has a talent for easing people's fears and apprehensions."

Mary Buysse was nominated by American Legion Dell Hogan Post and Auxiliary 123. Her nomination letter said, "Mary has volunteered 1,500 hours this year from April 1, 2001 to April 1, 2002. We feel that is quite an accomplishment and those hours are just for the Legion Auxiliary, working for the veterans."

Sister Mariella Hinkly was nominated by Rock County 4-H and the University of Minnesota Extension Service. Members of the County K-9s said, "As a 4-H club, we have recreated the Hinkly family by doing live tours. Sister Mariella's knowledge and her keen sense of humor and kindness shown to the club members has been such a tremendous help to our 4-H club."

Jake Boomgaarden was nominated by Joan Chesley and Everett Knuth. Chesley said, "Our country and community are a better place to live because of people like him."

Knuth said, "Since an eye problem keeps me from driving, Jake gave me many rides to Sioux Falls for medical attention. Jake deserves the many awards he has received for his sportsmanship and tact that is so much a part of his character."

His nomination letter sited his work as a sports official and various military and community volunteer work.

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