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Legal Notices

Proposals for BMT remodeling set for July 8
June 19, 2002
The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Luverne, MN (Blue Mound Tower) is requesting proposals for Architect/Engineering services in connection with certain HUD financed modernization improvements.

Professional services will include, but not necessarily be limited to: planning and designing the Project; architectural services; site planning; structural, mechanical and electrical engineering; civil engineering; cost estimating; preparation of bidding and construction documents; drawings and specifications; assistance in contract award(s); preconstruction conference; assistance in meeting labor standards requirements and wage determinations; and periodic site inspections and supervision of contractors and materials.

Work items will include;
1) Remodeling of 68 apartment units with emphasis on kitchens and bathrooms.
2) Conversion of 8 units into 4 fully handicapped accessible units.

Written proposals will be accepted until 12:00 noon on Monday, July 8, 2002. Brief oral presentations may be conducted at a later time before the Housing AuthorityÕs Board of Commissioners.

Please include in your proposal a description of your firmÕs experience with HUD projects; qualifications and licensing of key individuals who would be working on this project; the time in which you estimate specifications could be prepared and the project ready to bid; and your estimated professional fee.

Please feel free to contact Roger Henderson (Maintenance Supervisor) at (507) 283-9347 if you have questions regarding this project or to arrange a time to visit the building.

We hope you will have an interest in submitting a proposal for our project.

Mary Guhin, Executive Director
Housing & Redevelopment Authority of Luverne, MN
216 N. McKenzie
Luverne, MN 56156
(6-27, 7-3)

County Commissioners meet June 18
Community Room 9:00 A.M.
Rock County Human Services Bldg
June 18, 2002

Commissioner Wildung called the meeting to order with all Commissioners present.
Motion by Jarchow, seconded by Erickson, to approve the June 18, 2002 County Board agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.

Rod Spronk and Dennis Healy of Lincoln-Pipestone Rural Water presented a program update as well as the 2001 audit results. They also stated that information can also be accessed at their Web site of:

LMO Director Eric Hartman and Assistant LMO Director Doug Bos presented the (3) conditional use permits:

1. A telecommunications tower for Western Wireless located in section five of Luverne Township; motion by Erickson, seconded by Hoime, to approve the conditional use permit for a telecommunications tower, declared carried on a voice vote.

2. A wind tower for Minn-Wind I located in Section 13 of Martin Township; motion by Hoime, seconded by Erickson, to approve the Minn-Wind I wind tower permit, declared carried on a voice vote.

3. A wind tower for Minn-Wind II location in Section 14 of Martin Township; motion by Hoime, seconded by Erickson, to approve the Minn-Wind II wind tower permit, declared carried on a voice vote.

MPCA Representatives Myrna Halbach, Mark Jacobs, Jerry Holien, LMO Director Hartman and Assistant Director Doug Bos and County Attorney Don Klosterbuer discussed a Feedlot Program Review along with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Mr. Holien presented the Feedlot Program Review and the results of the feedlot audit that was conducted in the winter of 2001 - spring of 2002.

County Attorney Klosterbuer and Myrna Halbach discussed the MOU and after discussion it was determined that Rock County and MPCA were in agreement in conducting a Level III inventory of all feedlots in Rock County.

LMO Director Hartman discussed Attachments A Ð D of the MOU, which stated the detail of the Feedlot Program Work Plan, the Level III Inventory Work Plan, Communications Plan for the Level III Inventory, and relevant pages from the Water Plan.

Administrator Oldre also presented funding issues regarding the Level III Feedlot Inventory. After discussion, it was determined that additional staffing would have to be discussed at a future date.

After considerable discussion from all representatives and a large number of producers in attendance, motion by Hoime, seconded by Erickson, to adopt the Memorandum of Understanding with the Attachments A - D. After discussion the question was called by Commissioner Hoime and a roll call vote was taken; motion to adopt the Memorandum of Understanding was declared carried on a unanimous vote.

Mary McLaughlin and Vonnie Nergaard of the Retired Volunteer Senior Program presented a program updated as well as the utilization of RSVP in Rock County. Also discussed was a funding proposal that requests an increase from $.96/capita in Y2002 to $1.01/capita in Y2003. This would reflect a 4% increase based on the population shift in Rock County. The County Board took action at this time.

Margaret Cook, Auditor/Treasurer, presented the fund balances; motion by Erickson, seconded by Jarchow, to accept the fund balance report, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Jarchow, seconded by Erickson, to pay the claims as presented, declared carried on a unanimous vote. A complete listing of claims is available at the Auditor/Treasurer's office at no charge.

General $ 28,775.68
LEC 371.52
Road & Bridge 22,081.07
Judicial Ditch .00
Welfare 72,691.87
Landfill 2,033.55
TOTAL $125,953.69

Motion by Erickson, seconded by Jarchow, to pay a claim of $44,449.49 to Computer Professionals Unlimited for the purchase and installation of an AS 400 computer, declared carried on a voice vote.

Mark Sehr, Engineer, presented Resolution No. 21-02, a resolution establishing eligibility for bridge bonding funding as required by MnDOT; motion by Boyenga, seconded by Hoime, to adopt Resolution No. 21-02, declared carried on a voice vote.

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