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Rock County Commissioners meet
Dec. 26
Law Library 9:00 A.M.
Rock County Courthouse
26 December 2001
Chair Hoime called the County Board meeting to order with all Commissioners present. Also present was Special Counsel Gordon Moore of VonHoltum, Malters & Shepard and County Administrator Oldre.

Motion by Jarchow, seconded by Erickson to go into closed session at 8:14 A.M. for the purpose of discussing a performance review, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Boyenga, seconded by Jarchow, to rise from closed session at 9:09 A.M., declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Wildung seconded by Jarchow, to terminate the employment of the Land Management Director John Burgers effective 26 December 01 in a "not in good standing" status, and directed special counsel to develop a press release, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Erickson, seconded by Boyenga, to approve the December 26, 2001 County Board agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Jarchow, seconded by Wildung, to move to reconsider Resolution No. 37-01, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Jarchow, seconded by Wildung, to adopt Resolution No. 37-01, a resolution requesting legislation from the State of Minnesota to appoint the county offices of Auditor/Treasurer and Recorder, declared carried on a unanimous vote.

Motion by Erickson, seconded by Wildung, that if legislation passes in allowing the county to appoint the Auditor/Treasurer and Recorder positions, it is the intent of this board to negotiate with the incumbents to provide for current rates and protections of both individuals in those positions, declared carried on a voice vote.

Family Services Director Randy Ehlers, Ona Reker and Sherri Smith-Cronquist presented a review of collection activities. They presented a new policy regarding collection procedures; no action was taken.

The following consent agenda was approved on a motion by Jarchow, seconded by Erickson and declared carried on a voice vote.

1. FSA Contract 66-130-02 with Rock County Heartland Express to provide Medical Assistance and Social Service Transportation services; effective 1-1-02 to 12-31-02.

2. Amendment to FSA contract 52-788-01 with Luverne Community Hospital to provide individual Chemical Dependency treatment services.

Gloria Rolfs, Staff Assistant III of the Auditor/Treasurer's office presented the fund balances, investments and claims. Motion by Wildung, seconded Boyenga to pay the claims with the approval of additional claims to be paid until the close of business on December 31, 2001, declared carried on a unanimous vote. A complete listing of claims is available at the Auditor/TreasurerÕs office at no charge.

General $ 23,683.40
LEC 227.01
Road & Bridge 20,407.86
Judicial Ditch .00
Welfare 105,614.77
Landfill 5,610.43
TOTAL $155,543.47

Motion by Erickson, seconded by Boyenga, to abate the solid waste assessment at a prorated rate of $24.50 on parcel #14-0085-000, located in Lot 12 of G.O. Ross Addition of the City of Hardwick, as the house was removed from the property in May 2001, declared carried on a 4-1 vote with Commissioner Wildung voting nay.

Motion by Wildung, seconded by Boyenga, to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2001 County Board meeting, declared carried on a voice vote.

The County Board discussed the salaries of elected officials for 2002. Motion by Boyenga, seconded by Jarchow, to approve the following 2002 salary schedule for elected officials, declared carried on a 4-1 vote with Commissioner Hoime voting nay.

Auditor/Treasurer $47,528.00
Recorder $44,250.00
Sheriff $54,000.00
Attorney $65,000.00
Commissioner $12,000.00

Motion by Wildung, seconded by Boyenga, to approve Y2002 employment contracts for the County Administrator and the County Engineer, declared carried on a voice vote.

The County Board was in receipt of union contracts from the Highway Department, Deputies Unit and Dispatcher Unit. Motion by Wildung, seconded Jarchow, to approve the union contracts effective January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2004, declared carried on a voice vote.

The County Board reviewed an employee points and placement report, which was the result of the pay equity study conducted by the Personnel Committee. Motion by Boyenga, seconded by Jarchow, to approve the placements, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Erickson, seconded by Wildung, to approve Resolution No. 38-01, a resolution of continued workerÕs compensation for elected and appointed county officials, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Wildung, seconded by Jarchow, to approve the Minnesota Merit Pay Plan for Family Service employees and a separate Pay Plan for all non-union employees for Y2002, declared carried on a voice vote.

The County Board was informed of a Comprehensive Water Plan meeting to be held in Nobles County at a future date; no action was taken.

Motion by Erickson, seconded by Wildung, to approve the $18,000 advance to the Southwest Regional Development Commission through the inter-agency agreement, declared carried on a 4-1 vote with Commissioner Jarchow voting nay.

The County Board discussed the director position at the Land Management Office. Motion by Erickson, seconded by Boyenga, to approve Doug Bos as the interim director, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Jarchow, seconded by Wildung, to advertise for the Land Management Office Director position following a discussion with the Soil & Water Conservation District Board, declared carried on a voice vote.

The County Board was informed that at the City/County Liaison meeting, Commissioner Wildung was invited to the City Council meeting to discuss the County BoardÕs direction on the RFP's for the Rock County Pool & Fitness Center.

The County Board reviewed nominations and selected an employee for 2001 Rock County Employee of the Year. Award winner and nominated employees will be acknowledged at the January 8, 2002 County Board meeting.
Motion by Jarchow, seconded by Wildung, to send a letter of congratulations to Richard Bakken, congratulating him for his recent award of Conservationist of the Year. Motion was declared carried on a voice vote.

With no further business to come before the County Board, the meeting was declared adjourned.

Kenneth Hoime, Chairman of the Board
Kyle J. Oldre, Clerk to the Board

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