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Rock County Commissioners meet Feb. 5
Law Library 9:00 A.M.
Rock County Courthouse
05 February 2002
Commissioner Wildung called the meeting to order with all commissioners present.

Motion by Hoime, seconded by Jarchow, to approve the February 5th County Board agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Erickson, seconded Boyenga, to approve the January 22nd County Board minutes, declared carried on a voice vote.

Mark Sehr, Engineer, presented Resolution No. 04-02, a detour agreement 82828-R, from CSAH 2 to CSAH 7, with MnDOT on SAP 67-605-10, a road project on US Highway 75. Motion by Boyenga, seconded Jarchow, to authorize Resolution No. 04-02, declared carried on a voice vote.

The Engineer requested final payment of $2,063.90 to Henning Construction for an aggregate stockpile; total contract was $41,278.20. Motion by Erickson, seconded by Hoime, to authorize the final payment of $2,063.90 payable to Henning Construction, declared carried on a voice vote.

The Engineer requested approval to advertise for bids on project SAP 67-632-002, Luverne Street; motion by Hoime, seconded by Jarchow, to authorize the advertising for project SAP 67-632-002, declared carried on a voice vote.

Margaret Cook, Auditor/Treasurer, presented the fund balances; motion by Hoime, seconded by Erickson, to accept the fund balance report, declared carried on a voice vote.

The Auditor/Treasurer presented the claims for payment with additional claims payable to Metro Transit for $44.00 and MN Rural Energy Task Force for $2,500.00 for membership dues. Motion by Jarchow, seconded by Erickson, to pay the claims as presented, declared carried on a unanimous vote. A complete listing of claims is available at the Auditor/Treasurer's office at no charge.

General $12,371.15
LEC 733.37
Road & Bridge 7,687.82
Judicial Ditch .00
Welfare 28,024.63
Landfill 909.21
TOTAL $49,726.18

The County Board directed that the County Attorney attend the next County Board meeting to explain the IV-E billing process that takes place within the County Attorney's office.

The Auditor/Treasurer presented Resolution No. 08-02, a rural water split on parcel 10-0029-000 located in the SW 1/4 of 06-104-46 between Kevin and Shelia Matthiesen and Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives. Motion by Boyenga, seconded by Erickson, to approve Resolution No. 08-02, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Jarchow, seconded Boyenga, to approve Resolution No. 09-02, a joint powers resolution by becoming a participant of the Minnesota Association of Governments Investing for Counties (MAGIC Fund) and adopting and entering into the Declaration of Trust, declared carried on a voice vote.

The County Board requested that the Personnel Committee of the County Board schedule meetings with all county elected officials, declared carried on a voice vote.

The County Board was in receipt of the Annual Feedlot report provided by the Land Management Office; this was for informational purposes.

Jay Trusty, Executive Director of the Southwest Regional Development Commission and Ben Vander Kooi, Legal Counsel for the SRDC, requested the County Board to pass a resolution of support of the SRDC to increase their levy authority to address debt situations which have occurred as a result of the Prairie Expo project. Motion by Boyenga, seconded by Jarchow, to not support the SRDC resolution. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Boyenga called the question and a roll call vote was taken with Commissioners Erickson and Wildung voting nay and Commissioners Jarchow, Boyenga, and Hoime voting aye. Motion was declared carried.

The County Board was informed that Jeff Sehr would be doing a one-semester internship in Rock County working in the Law Enforcement Center. Jeff Sehr is a senior at Gustavus Adolphus College.

The Rock County Board received a draft copy of the Operating Rules and Guidelines of the County Board. The County Board directed that it be assigned to the Personnel Committee of the County Board for review.

The County Board was in receipt of information pertaining to the E911 contract, which is a dedicated trunking service for phone calls. The County Board requested an E911 funding history to include past and present monies payable to Rock County and present at the next County Board meeting. Also requested Rick Morrow with Independent Emergency Services, Terri Ebert, Dispatch Supervisor and Ron McClure, Rock County Sheriff to attend the next County Board meeting to discuss the E911 upgrade.

The County Board was in receipt of an activity report from the Rock County Law Enforcement showing statistics of the past three years of violations within Rock County. The County Board requested the Sheriff to further define the numerical analysis of the report.

Motion by Jarchow, seconded by Hoime, to pass Resolution No. 05-02, a request to Minnesota State legislators to support legislation to fully fund Child Care Resource and Referral Programs and Resolution 06-02, a request to Minnesota State legislators to support legislation to fully fund the Family Planning Program's critical services in Southwestern Minnesota; motion was declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Hoime, seconded by Boyenga, to pass Resolution No. 07-02, requesting legislators to support and pass the production tax for Rural Minnesota Energy Task Force, declared carried on a voice vote.

The County Board directed the Administrator contact the County AssessorÕs office for information regarding gas line taxes collected within the county; Commissioner Boyenga requested gravel tax update from the County Attorney as well.

Commissioner Hoime provided the County Board with a Rock County Pool & Fitness Center update. Currently, RFP's are being developed and they will be submitted at a later date.

Commissioner Wildung requested that the County Board authorize copies of the current fourteen cemetery plats in Rock County be made by the Rock County Highway Department and be forwarded to the Rock County Historical Society as they are trying to generate a cemetery data base. Motion by Hoime, seconded Jarchow, to authorize the copies of the cemetery plats, declared carried on a 4-1 vote with Commissioner Boyenga voting nay.

Commissioner Erickson informed the County Board that the Environmental Bus closed the year with a positive balance and that this year's fund-raiser would be a fishing contest at Little Spirit Lake on June 23rd.

With no further business to come before the County Board, the meeting was declared adjourned.

Jane Wildung, Chairman of the Board
Kyle J. Oldre, Clerk to the Board

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