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ISD #2184 School Board meets April 25
APRIL 25, 2002
A regular meeting of the Board of Education, ISD #2184, was held in the MS/HS Library on Thursday, April 25, 2002, at 7:30 p.m.
The following members were present: Don Bryan, Colleen Deutsch, Dan Kopp, Cary Radisewitz, Bill Stegemann, and Becky Walgrave. Steve Tofteland was absent. Also present: Superintendent Vincent Schaefer, Marlene Mann, Melody Tenhoff, James Harner, Peggy Goettsch, Mary Jacobson, Louise Thorson, Dianne Headrick, Jerry Jensen, Dave Svingen, Delaine Jensen, Brad VanSanten, Abby Stone, Breanna Studer, Jessica Klein, Tracy Halfmann, Ryan Conner, Adam DeBoer, Pam Christensen, Becky Runnoe, Matt Crosby, K101/KQAD Radio, and Lori Ehde, Rock County Star Herald.

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Don Bryan. Superintendent Schaefer announced there is an addendum to the agenda. Motion by Radisewitz, second by Stegemann to approve the agenda and addendum. Motion carried.

A presentation was given by Danielle Deragisch. She has been working as a Peer Helper teaching Spanish to several elementary classrooms.

Administrative reports were given.

Motion by Kopp, second by Deutsch, to approve the consent agenda to include the School Board minutes of April 11 and April 16, and the Student Activity Report showing the balances as of March 31, 2002. Motion carried.

Motion by Walgrave, second by Stegemann, to approve the District bills in the amount of $854,672.11. Motion carried.

Motion by Walgrave, second by Radisewitz, to approve a one-half day without pay for Elaine Klingenberg, paraprofessional. Motion carried. Motion by Kopp, second by Stegemann, to accept the retirement of Carol Haycraft as full-time Elementary secretary effective April 30, 2002. Motion carried. Motion by Walgrave, second by Deutsch, to accept the resignation of Tina Egland effective at the end of the school year Motion carried. Motion by Kopp, second by Radisewitz, to accept the retirement of David Svingen, High School LD teacher, effective at the end of the school year. Motion carried. Motion by Stegemann, second by Deutsch, to approve the contract with Stacy Gillette, Middle School Principal, for the 2002-03 and 2003-04 school years. Her base salary is $68,500. Motion carried.

It was noted that items 8.3.1, 8.3.2, and 8.3.3 were removed from the agenda. Motion by Walgrave, second by Deutsch, to adopt the following:

WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 2184 adopted a resolution on January 24, 2002, directing the administration to make recommendations for reductions in programs and positions and

WHEREAS, said recommendations have been received and considered by the school board,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 2184, as follows:

That the following programs and positions, or portions thereof, be discontinued:

1. Middle School Dean of Students
2. Early Childhood: Special Needs (.30 FTE)
Those who voted in favor of the above motion were: Bryan, Deutsch, Kopp, Radisewitz, Stegemann, and Walgrave. Those who voted against: None. Steve Tofteland was absent. Motion carried.
Motion by Stegemann, second by Kopp, to approve James Gilman with Conway, Deutsch & Schmiesing, PLLP, to conduct the annual audit of the 2001-2002 school year. Motion carried.

Motion by Walgrave, second by Deutsch, to approve the Family Community Support Treatment Agreement between Rock County and District 2184. Motion carried.

There were no committee reports. The upcoming meeting dates were reviewed.

Motion by Stegemann, second by Kopp, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Dated: April 25, 2002
Rebecca Walgrave

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