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ISD #2184 School Board meets June 22

ISD #2184 School Board
meets June 22 
A regular meeting of the Board of Education, ISD #2184, was held in
the District Office on June 22, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
The following members were present: Ryan DeBates, Eric Hartman, Tim Jarchow,
and Zach Nolz. Absent: Michael DeBates, Randy Sasker, and David Wrigg.
Also present: Craig Oftedahl, Tyler Reisch, Ryan Johnson, Jason Phelps, Becky
Rahm, and Mavis Fodness - Rock County Star Herald.  
Chairperson Tim Jarchow opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
It was noted there is an addendum to the agenda. Motion made by Eric
Hartman, second by Ryan Debates, to approve the agenda with addendum
as presented. Motion unanimously carried.
Superintendent Oftedahl shared a video from the Minnesota State High
School League titled “More Than Membership, Partnership”.  
Administrative reports were given.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Zach Nolz, to approve the May 25, 2023, school board meeting minutes as presented. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Zach Nolz, to accept
the following donations:
Miles and Mary Brown - $100 for Angel Fund
Papik Motors - $100 for FCCLA
Sioux Valley Energy - $1,500 for Robotics Team
Motion unanimously carried.
Business Manager Tyler Reisch reviewed the bills with the School Board. Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Zach Nolz, to approve payment of the Student Activity and District bills as presented in the amount of $1,118,207.12 with payroll in the amount of $2,244,152.33 for a total of $3,352,359.45. It was noted that this includes the payoff payroll for teaching staff. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Ryan DeBates, to receive the Student Activity report showing the balances as of May 31, 2023. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Zach Nolz, to approve the
Annual Title Grant Authorization. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Zach Nolz, second by Eric Hartman, to officially adopt a
revised school calendar for the 2022-2023 school year showing the last day
with students as May 26, 2023. The school district had 167 student days. We met
all requirements for the number of teaching minutes required by the Minnesota
Department of Education. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Ryan DeBates, to request bakery products quotations be received by July 14, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. Motion unanimously carried. Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Ryan DeBates, to request dairy products bids be received by July 14, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Zach Nolz, to authorize Conway,
Deuth & Schmiessing, PLLP, to conduct the audit of the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Zach Nolz, to authorize the auditor
to make those final transfers and adjustments, when they audit the finances, that are
necessary and according to general accounting principles, resolutions, and
standards. Motion unanimously carried.
Business Manager Tyler Reisch presented a very preliminary budget for the 2023-2024 which was necessary in order to continue financial business beyond June 30, 2023. He noted he is still waiting for information from the Minnesota Department of Education in regard to the funding the school district will receive for the 2023-2024 school year. The preliminary revenue budget is $18,794,260.00 and the preliminary expenditure budget is $19,586,536.00.  Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Eric Hartman, to approve this preliminary budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Zach Nolz, second by Ryan DeBates, to continue membership in the Minnesota School Board Association with dues in the amount of $4,934.00 and policy services in the amount of $750. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Eric Hartman, to continue
membership in the Minnesota Rural Education Association with dues in
the amount of $2,364.00. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Zach Nolz, second by Ryan DeBates, to set the following
adult food service prices: $3.50 per meal for breakfast and $5.50 per
meal for lunch. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Zach Nolz, to set the following
non-classified staff rate of pay to be effective July 1, 2023:  Housekeepers - $16.00
per hour and Two-Hour Food Service Workers - $15.50 per hour.
Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Ryan DeBates, to set the following
transportation rates of pay to be effective July 1, 2023:
Regular Route - $100 per day
Sioux Falls Route - $100 per day
Pipestone Route - $100 per day
Preschool Route - $50 per day
Activity Trips - $18.00 per hour
Daily Overnight Trip - $135.00 per day
Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Zach Nolz, to approve the Agreement to Extend Probationary Period for Lindsey Schomacker, Special Education Teacher through the 2023-2024 school year. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Zach Nolz, to approve the
following summer school contracts: Matt Fodness - 15 days - Agriculture
- $3,491.60 and Lindsey Schomacker - 45 hours - MS/HS Special Education -
$1,701.45. Motion unanimously carried.
Superintendent Oftedahl reviewed information from the Minnesota
Department of Transportation in regard to the landscaping and ADA ramp
by the tennis courts. Member Eric Hartman introduced the following resolution
that was duly seconded by Member Ryan DeBates:
IT IS RESOLVED that the Independent School District 2184 enter into
Limited Use Permit No. 6705-0003 with the State of Minnesota, Department
of Transportation for the following purposes:
To provide for maintenance and use by the Independent School
District 2184 upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 75 and the
limits of which are defined in said Limited Use Permit. 
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the School Board of the Independent School
District 2184, Luverne, Minnesota, that the Superintendent is authorized
to execute the Limited Use Permit.  
A roll call vote was taken. Those who voted in favor of the resolution: Eric
Hartman, Tim Jarchow, Zach Nolz, and Ryan DeBates; those who voted against
the resolution: none; those who were absent: Michael DeBates, Randy
Sasker and David Wrigg. The resolution was passed.
Superintendent Oftedahl reviewed Policy 516.5 - Overdose Medication with the School Board. This policy is required by recent legislation that was
adopted by the State of Minnesota. This policy was developed by the Minnesota School Board Association. This is the first reading of this policy. The second
reading will be held at the July 27, 2023, school board meeting.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Zach Nolz, to accept the retirement
of Cathy Rust, Elementary Teacher, effective May 26, 2023. Motion unanimously
Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Eric Hartman, to approve the hiring
of Stacy Thone as Prom Advisor. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Zach Nolz, to approve the hiring
of Sara Weber as Prom Advisor. Motion unanimously carried.
There were no committee reports. Superintendent Oftedahl did mention
that the Policy Committee may need to meet to review policies that
may be affected by legislative changes.
The upcoming meeting dates were reviewed. Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Zach Nolz, to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously carried.
Dated: June 22, 2023 David Wrigg, Clerk

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