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ISD #2184 School Board meets April 27

ISD #2184 School Board
meets April 27 
A regular meeting of the Board of Education, ISD #2184, was held in the
District Office on April 27, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
The following members were present: Michael DeBates, Ryan DeBates, Eric Hartman, Tim Jarchow, Zach Nolz, Randy Sasker, and David Wrigg. Also present: Craig Oftedahl, Tyler Reisch, Jason Phelps, Ryan Johnson, Stacy Gillette, Becky Rahm, Tom Rops, and Mavis Fodness - Rock County Star Herald.  
Chairperson Tim Jarchow opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Ryan DeBates, to approve the agenda
as presented. Motion unanimously carried.
Administrative reports were given.
Motion made by Michael DeBates, second by Eric Hartman, to approve the March 23, 2023, School Board minutes as presented. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by David Wrigg, second by Ryan DeBates, to accept
the following donations:
American Reformed Church - $200 for the Angel Fund
Kirk Terrio - $3,000 for the Track Fund
American Legion Post 478 - $1,000 to FCCLA
Mike and Traci Davis - $200 for Community Education Shirts
Walleye Wind, LLC, Neil Lockhart - $1,500 for Robotics
CHS, Inc. - $500 for Robotics
American Reformed Church Students/Youth - $120 for the Angel Fund
Schomacker Home Galleries - $200 for Community Education Shirts
Sandy Klein - $750 for Boys and Girls Golf Fund
Motion unanimously carried.
Business Manager Tyler Reisch reviewed the District and Student Activity bills with the School Board. Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Zach Nolz, to approve payment of the bills in the amount of $411,823.32 and Payroll in the amount of $1,052,275.58 for a grand total of $1,464,098.90. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Randy Sasker, to accept the Student Activity Report showing the balances as of March 31, 2023. Motion unanimously carried.
Business Manager Tyler Reisch reviewed the process and the bids received for Hospitalization Insurance. The school district received nine bids which was an unusually high number. The top two bids were received from Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Minnesota and Sanford Health Plans. Board member Zach Nolz recused himself from the vote as he is a Sanford Health employee. Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Eric Hartman, to accept the bid from Sanford Health Systems for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 health insurance coverage. The Sanford Health Broad Network bid reflects an 8% decrease in premiums for 2023-2024 and a rate cap of 9.9% for 2024-2025. The Sanford Health True Network reflects a 26.3% decrease in premiums for 2023-2024 and a rate cap of 9.9% for 2024-2025. Motion carried with Member Zach Nolz abstaining from the vote.  
Business Manager Tyler Reisch also asked the School Board to approve Ameritas as our dental carrier which would replace AFLAC, Inc.  Dental insurance is offered to employees with no cost to the School District - premiums are solely paid by the employee.  The Ameritas plan is a little cheaper with better coverage.  Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by David Wrigg, to approve Ameritas Dental as presented.  Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by David Wrigg, second by Ryan DeBates, to accept the bid from
EyeMed, Inc., for vision insurance. Vision insurance premiums are paid fully by
the employee. The plan with Eyemed allows for new frames every 12 months.
Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by David Wrigg, second by Ryan DeBates, to approve Madison National Life Insurance for voluntary life insurance for employees. The employee would pay the full premium with no school district contribution. Motion unanimously carried. 
Business Manager Tyler Reisch also requested the School Board to authorize National Insurance Services, Inc., to serve as a consultant to the School District in regard to insurance products and/or bids. Their fee is 1.5% and this is built into our premium amounts. Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Zach Nolz, to authorize National Insurance Services, Inc, to serve as a consultant to the School District. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by David Wrigg, second by Ryan DeBates, to approve the
summer contracts as presented. Discussion was held regarding those positions that
have not yet been filled. Motion unanimously carried.
Superintendent Oftedahl presented the following updated policies for the School Board’s review and approval:  Policy 209 - Code of Ethics; Policy 210 - Conflict of Interest - School Board members; Policy 410 - Family and Medical Leave; and Policy 709 - Student Transportation. All of the changes to these policies come from the Minnesota School Board Association to reflect statute changes and review from attorneys. Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Zach Nolz, to approve all four of the revised policies. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by David Wrigg, to approve the hiring
of Jon Schomacker as 2023 Summer Recreation Director for a salary of
$9,600.00. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by David Wrigg, second by Michael DeBates, to approve a
medical leave of absence request from Jen Bose, Community Education
Paraprofessional, beginning April 3, 2023, for the remainder of the school year. Motion
unanimously carried.
Motion made by Michael DeBates, second by Eric Hartman, to accept
the resignation of Tara Sudenga, Mathematics Teacher, effective May 26,
2023. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by David Wrigg, to approve the
hiring of Jake Haugen as Mathematics Teacher beginning with the 2023-2024
school year for a salary of $43,727.00. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Randy Sasker, to accept the
resignation of Austin Maxwell, Special Education Teacher, effective at the
end of the school year. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Zach Nolz, to approve Ben Nath
as a volunteer golf coach. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Randy Sasker, second by Eric Hartman, to accept the
resignation of Joel Evans, Elementary Physical Education and Health Teacher,
effective at the end of the school year. Motion unanimously carried.
Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Ryan DeBates, to approve the hiring
of Kathy Hawes as Special Education Teacher beginning with the 2023-2024 school
year for a salary of $52,624.00. Motion unanimously carried.
Committee reports were given.
The upcoming meeting dates were reviewed. Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Randy Sasker, to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously carried.
Dated: April 27, 2023 David Wrigg, Clerk,

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