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Hospital explores northern property

By Lori Ehde
In the search for a new hospital and clinic location, residents on the north edge of Luverne have been approached about the possibility of a medical campus in their back yards.

Sioux Valley and Luverne Community Hospital mailed about 60 letters to residents owning property within 350 feet of the proposed site.

They were encouraged to attend a meeting Tuesday night in the Veterans Home to hear about the proposed building to voice any questions or concerns about how it might affect them.

Land under consideration abuts residential neighborhoods to its south, Highway 75 on the west, Blue Mound Avenue on the east and the gravel township road on the north.

There are 63 acres of farm land available, but discussions are only preliminary about how much, if any land, is suitable for a hospital and clinic.

Current architect plans call for the hospital and clinic buildings to occupy roughly 20 acres. Additional ground would be necessary for parking, and negotiations could include ground for future expansion, possibly medical services buildings.

Hospital officials called residents to the meeting to test the waters of neighborhood response to the proposed plan.

At the meeting, architects reviewed topography and building plans to date, and Sioux Valley executives and Luverne Community Hospital Administrator Gerald Carl were on hand to answer questions.

"We’re trying to head off any controversy that may arise," Carl said prior to the meeting.

"We’re using them as a sounding board. If we don’t get any negative feedback from them, then we’ll take that as a green light for us to do some more planning."

More than 30 residents attended Tuesday’s meeting, and concerns varied from noise and privacy barriers to watershed and traffic flow.

According to Carl, the tone of the meeting was positive and residents seemed generally receptive to the idea of a hospital in their neighborhood.

To date, plans call for a $17.5 million project, but details hinge on financing.

Hospital officials have been planning for a new facility for the past year due to space shortages in the current facilities, which are also becoming outdated for current needs.

When remodeling was ruled out, the search began for a new hospital location. Properties both north and south of the city were immediately identified, and both sites remain possible options.

The City of Luverne and, to a lesser extent, Rock County are negotiating with Sioux Valley on the possible purchase of the current hospital and clinic.

Details of the new hospital campus, if it happens at all, depend on the outcome of that arrangement.

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