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Golf course opening date up in the air

By Jolene Farley
With business at Drivers Restaurant and Bar near Beaver Creek exceeding investor expectations, focus has shifted to the golf course portion of the project.

"The golf course issue is a big issue," said investor Mike Blank. "It's half of the project and the weather hasn't been cooperating."

Many areas on the course seeded with grass are not irrigated, according to Blank. So the dry weather has slowed the growth of foliage needed for the course.

Investors orginally planned an August opening for the course, but that date moved to September. Now without rain opening may be moved to next spring.

"Unless the weather really straightens out, I doubt if the course will be ready this year," said Blank. "Next year, definitely."

Only minor work is left on the course, filling some holes and low areas and planting a few more trees.

Unfortunately, grass has to grow and be shaped on the greens and the rough before the course will be ready to open.

Groundskeeper Jacey Harmon, Sioux Falls, S.D., continues to work on refining the course. Harmon has worked on a number of courses in the area and in Oregon.

The course promises to be challenging, according to Blank. There are no sand traps but play follows the lay of the land.

"That in combination with water will make it a challenging course," he said.

Golfers will pay a $12 green fee and $10 cart rental fee to play the course. Purchasing an annual or lifetime membership are also options. Ten lifetime memberships remain for the club.

Drivers has seen good patronage, according to Blank. Some menu items have been added and some items dropped. Steaks, burgers, prime rib, Mexican food and seafood are some choices that remain on the menu.

Fantastic Mud Pie is a staple on the new homemade desert menu at Drivers with other desert specials offered periodically.

"Our menu is very all-encompassing for anyone's tastes," said Blank.

The kitchen at Drivers has evolved along with the menu. "The more you offer the more situations you need for prep space and cooler options," he said.

Patrons can dine inside or outside the restaurant with the addition of new furniture on the deck.

The banquet hall is booked every weekend for the next few months. Blank encourages anyone interested to book early, because dates fill fast with weddings, class reunions and Christmas parties.

"People that have been in it have been very pleased with the service and the setting," said Blank.

Eight of the 32 housing lots on the course have sold with plans for two homes to be built yet this year.

"We'e pleased and I think the lot sales will continue," said Blank.

Investors in the project are Mike Blank, Rodney Scholten, Ben Davis, Leonard Scholten and Dan VanOtterloo.

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