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Gold'n Plump sues in tax court

By Sara Strong
Gold'n Plump filed a petition against the county in district tax court Friday.

The Rock County Board of Commissioners received copies of the petition at its Tuesday meeting.

Gold'n Plump said its property's assessed value is greater than its actual value, resulting in the company paying higher property taxes.

The firm handling Gold'n Plump's case has filed similar complaints on behalf of about 7 other properties in the state.

Rock County Assessor Tom Houselog said he's confident the county's assessment was accurate. In 2001 Gold'n Plump paid $24,166 in taxes, which was based on the same valuation as the previous year. It is scheduled to pay $20,376 due in 2002 and is appealing that number.

The papers filed by Gold'n Plump claim the assessor "has intentionally and systematically discriminated against petitioner's property in favor of other properties of the same class in the same taxing district ... by valuing said other properties at less than their actual market value, while petitioner’s property was valued by the assessor at 100 percent or more."

Gold'n Plump is asking that the property be reassessed and that it receive corrected tax statements. It is also asking for compensation for damages and legal fees, which a judge will determine when it's brought before the court.

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