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Peterson purchases law firm in Tyler
Glen Peterson, an attorney with Skewes Klosterbuer and Vajgrt, has purchased the Lee Bush law firm in Tyler.

Peterson started working for Skewes Klosterbuer and Vajgrt in August 1998.

He came to Luverne after graduating from the University of South Dakota in May 1998.

Tuesday, April 2, was Peterson's last day in Luverne.

Bush sold his law firm because he was recently appointed a district court judge by Gov. Jesse Ventura. He will replace Judge Marshall in the Marshall, Minn., seat.

Peterson will work with Bush until April 26, when Bush will be sworn in and Peterson will officially take over the practice.

Work to continue on Highway 60
The next phase of a four-lane Highway 60 will begin in a few weeks.

This year's section of four-lane upgrade will run from Heron Lake to Wilder.

The project is expected to start in May and run through November.

The total cost of the project is $14.4 million. Land acquisition costs were an additional $2.1 million.

As economy improves, bankruptcies reach new highs
The high-flying economy that came to a sudden stop a while ago caught more than a few people off guard.

After a decade of unprecedented growth and prosperity, 2001 set a new record for bankruptcies.

2001 saw nearly 1.5 million bankruptcy filings by consumers and businesses, 97% of which were personal, according to the American Bankruptcy Institute.

Evidently, people who thought the golden '90s would last forever and overextended themselves on credit got caught with too little in savings when the rainy days of 2001 came.

For those choosing the bankruptcy route, three recommendations are:

Review your budget quarterly.
Save 10% of your after-tax earnings in a savings plan.
See a financial counselor.

It shouldn't be surprising that with the increase in bankruptcy the unemployment rate has also increased.

Non-farm employment shed a seasonally adjusted 1,300 jobs in February, the 11th loss in the past 12 months.

The biggest losses were in services and retail trade.

Peak unemployment in Minnesota came in January, at 4.9 percent, compared with 6.3 percent nationally.

Are you a friend of the Library?
If you want to help support our local library, attend the annual meeting of Friends of the Library.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m Monday, April 15, the Rock County Community Library basement.

Steve Kallin from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will speak on "Touch The Sky Prairie," one of the local Brandenburg projects.

The lost is found
A couple weeks ago Star Herald editor Lori Ehde reported on one of Rock County's recent fires, this one at the home of Harvey and Tamara Horn, Luverne.

Fortunately for the Horns, no one was hurt, and even the dog got out safely, but they noted one potential loss.

Someplace in the rubble and ashes was Tamara's wedding ring.

Tamara, who was in the hospital, recovering from the birth of their third child, had taken off her wedding ring a few weeks earlier due to swelling in her fingers.

At the time of story in the March 21 edition of the Star Herald, the wedding ring was still missing.

We are happy to report that Tamara called the Star Herald this week to say that her wedding ring has been found.

It was discovered on the floor of their bedroom in the ashes.

The family has taken up temporary residence in the City Centre Apartments.

Hey, kids, got a good fish story?
If you've got a good fish story and would like to share it, I have a writing contest for you.

The Minnesota Fishing Federation is sponsoring a writing contest for kids to share their favorite fish story.

The stories may be handwritten or typed and must be on one side of one sheet of paper.

An extra sheet may be used if you have a photo or colored picture to accompany the story.

The contest is divided into two age categories, ages 6-12 and 13-17.

Entries should be mailed to Fish Tales, P.O. Box 450, Grand Rapids, MN 55744.

All entries must be postmarked by April 20.

Publisher Roger Tollefson can be contacted by e-mail at

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