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Palace to show second movie
The second once-a-month movie for the Palace Theatre has arrived.

This weekend "The Emperor’s Club" will be shown at the Palace. The movie was released last November and stars Kevin Kline as a teacher in a private boys school. Roger Ebert gave the movie three out of four stars.

The Blue Mound Area Theatre (BMAT) is hoping the turnout is as good for this one as it was for "ET," the first of the monthly movies.

Last Month "ET" drew about 150 movie goers to the recently reopened Palace.

Brandenburg at the Guthrie, Feb. 10
Luverne native, Jim Brandenburg, is teaming up with musician Michael Monroe for a performance at the Guthrie Theatre.

The program, titled "In concert with Nature" will be a blend of Brandenburg’s photographs with Monroe’s guitar, bamboo flute and vocals.

Brandenburg will use the event to preview images from his upcoming book "Looking for the Summer," a sequel to his best-selling book "Chased by the Light."

The event will be at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10.

If you would like to order tickets, you can purchase them online at

Anybody want to buy a school building, check e-Bay
Now that the new high school building is in full use, the Pipestone School Board was wondering what to do with their high school buildings in both Jasper and Pipestone.

The answer they came up with, was to sell them for $1 on e-Bay.

According to Dave Kruger, Pipestone’s Economic Development Director, the response has been greater than expected.

Between e-mails and phone calls, more than 350 contacts have been made concerning the buildings.

In an interview with the Argus Leader, Kruger said his inquiries have been about everything from movie production to an indoor skateboard park.

Along with the $1, the prospective buyer must also provide a business plan along with proof of financing.

The 58,000 square foot building in Jasper has turned out to be a more interesting building to those calling, as compared to the 200,000 square foot Pipestone building.

Speculation is that the smaller Jasper building would be more manageable and it’s also closer to Sioux Falls.

If the buildings are not sold, the Jasper building will cost $240,000 to raze while the Pipestone structure would cost an estimated $730,000.

Need to organize your finances?
Every year when the New Year comes and goes, there are always resolutions left in its wake.

Quitting smoking and losing weight are usually at the top of the lists.

Getting finances in order is probably a close third, particularly after the excessive Christmas shopping you may have done.

According to Myvesta, a financial health center, 25 percent of people do not look at their credit card statement and 50 percent do not know what interest rate they are paying.

Four tips Myvesta suggests to help get your finances organized include:

_ Add up holiday bills, credit card bills and all other debts. List all your creditors and the interest rates you are paying on the debts.
Order a consoli-dated credit report, which contains information from all three major credit bureaus, and dispute any incorrect information you find.
_ Close unused lines of credit, but be careful not to close old accounts since they help your credit history.
_ Track your spending for at least a month to figure out where your money is going, then use that information to develop a plan to be debt free.

Publisher Roger Tollefson can be contacted by e-mail at

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