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Department store was unique in 1898

By Betty Mann
This article appeared in the "Headlight" in 1898 about the Nelson Bros. & Co. store on the corner of Main and McKenzie. It was where Loopy's is now.

"In this thriving city, situated in the richest portion of the Rock River Valley, the visitor is surprised to find a department store, entirely metropolitan in its character and equal in its proportions to anything of its kind outside the large cities. The building is an imposing structure of brick and stone, with pressed brick front, located on the busiest corner of the town. It has a frontage equal to three ordinary store fronts, besides the grocery frontage opening on another street (McKenzie) The store is 75 x 136 feet, two stories and basement. Approaching this building from the outside, one is impressed with the thought that the surrounding country must indeed be a garden spot to be able to support such a magnificent establishment. The extent of its capacity, completeness of arrangement and variety of stock is a surprise. The first floor is occupied by the departments of dry goods, clothing, shoes, groceries and hardware. This floor is in one large room, the departments being separated only by shelving. At the rear end of the dry goods room is the cloak department, furnished with a full-length three-plate mirror, and carrying in its stock seasonable wraps of all kinds. Dress goods of newest styles, wash goods, ladies' furnishings, notions, etc., comprise a stock most attractive and satisfactory to the careful purchaser.

The show department, in the center front, between the dry goods and clothing is a model of completeness, including in its stock everything desirable in footwear for man, woman and child. In clothing, as in every department, it is the aim of the firm to suit the needs of its customers, and here they spare no pains to meet the demands of the trade, both as to price, style and fit. This stock includes everything in the line of menÕs furnishings, business and dress suits, working clothes, fur coats, hats, caps, trunks, valises, etc. In the grocery department there is everything in plain and fancy groceries, seasonable fruits, etc. In the hardware line they carry shelf and granite ware, kitchen utensils, fence wire, nails, churns, washing machines, etc. On the second floor there is shown the famous line of BuckÕs stoves and ranges, manufactured in St. Louis and unequaled for beauty, utility and wearing qualities. They handle also the "Insurance" gasoline stoves, a line which has special safety features, the burner being so arranged as to shut off automatically the flow of gas in case of the flame being accidentally blown out. On the second floor are shown also house furnishings, carpets, rugs, Japanese mattings, floor oilcloths and linoleums, window shades, lace curtains, portieres, blankets and comforters, sewing machines; also an elegant line of plain and fancy crockery and glassware.

The immense basement on a busy day presents a lively scene. Most of its room is utilized for storage purposes, while the rear end and east side are devoted to freight receiving, butter and egg rooms and shipping department. Twenty-five to $30,000 worth of butter and eggs annually are handled in this department and shipped to Eastern markets. During May and June of this year (1898) shipments were made in carloads. Besides this the firm shipped 18 cars of potatoes last season and has bought 15,000 to 18,000 pounds of wool this year. Total sales were $125,000 last year and will, without a doubt, reach $140,000 or $150,000 this year.

The business was established by Mr. N. Nelson, now senior partner of the firm, in 1876, when the town consisted of a few straggling buildings out on the prairie, with no railroad facilities, and goods had to be hauled 35 miles by team. In 1884, the firm name was changed to Nelson Bros. by the taking into partnership of Mr. S.B. Nelson, who now has personal supervision of the business. Four years later F.C. Mahoney, a brother-in-law of the Nelsons, became a partner, and the firm assumed its present name of Nelson Bros. & Co. These men are thoroughly businesslike and have built up their trade on the plane of square dealing, understanding that benefits to their customers mean benefits to themselves, and endeavoring always to give value received. From a very small beginning the business has steadily grown to its present proportions. In 1892, the firm erected the building which they now occupy, furnished it with all modern arrangements, and at present, 20 people are employed in the house to handle a trade which is not only very satisfactory but constantly increasing. People coming from a distance, either to trade or look over the store, are always made welcome, and the firm enjoys an enviable reputation at home and abroad.

Their personal character is of the highest, their achievements as merchants and businessmen have been most brilliant and successful, and we are but voicing the sentiments of their numerous customers and friends in saying they are among the most conspicuous representatives of the business interests of the place."

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