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Democrats advocate culture of violence

To the Editor:

Enough, enough already! Today a report came out that the entertainment industry was still targeting young people with violence in movies and in video games. Of course Vice-President Al Gore was on TV saying that we must stop targeting our youth with violence. This is from the same man who at the Democratic National Convention said that he will protect the right to abortion. How much younger can we get than the growing and fully formed but yet unborn baby?

The truth is that the Democratic Party, with its support of the killing of babies, is espousing and promoting violence in our society. Al Gore's actions are speaking louder than his words, and the message is clear - violence is OK in our society.

A pastor told us some time back that sin in our society is being politicized. God is not fooled. The miracle of life was created by Him. God will allow us to go as deep into sin as we wish. We are reaping what we have sown. It is no wonder that children are shooting children in our schools. A young girl in Iowa was recently set on fire by some jealous girls. We shouldn't be surprised for we as voters with the election of pro-abortion presidents are supporting killing. The message to our young people must be clear and honest. This is something we obviously will not get from the self-proclaimed inventor of the Internet.

Al Gore is going to promise you the world, but it will be filled with violence and dishonesty because this is what we will have sown.

Robert Sandbulte


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