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Cost estimates in on new locker rooms

By Jolene Farley
Hills-Beaver Creek School Board members reviewed a great deal of information at their Tuesday meeting, but made no decisions on the proposed high school locker room project.

Initial cost estimates for the project, without a weight room, range from $398,144 to $439,552 or $80.31 to $88.67 per square foot.

A weight room would add $113,302 to $127,512 to the cost of the project, handled by Group II Architects, Sioux Falls.

Department of Children, Families and Learning and Title 9 requirements increased the cost of the project, according to Superintendent Dave Deragisch.

CFL now requires a minimum of 1,500 square feet for each locker room when the board initially discussed 900 square feet of space for each locker room.

Title 9 rules require that girls’ and boys’ locker rooms have equal square footage.

"We are meeting the minimum requirements by the CFL," Deragisch said.

The district could comfortably pay for a portion of the construction from current cash assets, but would ask voters for the rest of the money in the form of a new levy.

The building committee and Deragisch worked extensively with the architects to streamline the design.

"They (the architects) started out with the Taj Mahal, and we are down to the minimum requirements set by CFL," said Deragisch.

If the project cost remains less than $500,000, the CFL doesn’t require a Review and Comment, Deragisch said.

But if a new high school or any other project is planned for the future, CFL could make the district bring all previous construction up to code.

"As I stand before you, I refuse to go over $500,000 in cost," Deragisch said.

He suggested reducing the hall width from eight to seven feet to shave an estimated $8,500 off the price tag. Not finishing the weight room space or not building a weight room at all were also mentioned as cost saving options. Hiring local contractors could also reduce costs.

A letter, including plans and cost estimates, will be sent to Hills-Beaver Creek residens asking if they are in favor of the project. The board will review the responses at their Monday, Jan. 13, meeting.

Based on the responses, the board will decide how to proceed.

"If we had overwhelming support from the public I would feel comfortable hiring the architecture firm," Deragisch said.

If support doesn’t seem to be there, community meetings may be planned to educate the public further on the project.

Group II made preliminary drawings for the project for a fee of $3,500, but future work is quoted at 10 to 12 percent of the total project cost.

Unless renegotiated, these fees would add an additional $43,955 to $52,746 (high end estimate) to the locker room project alone.

Deragisch said the board would need a plan in place on how to utilize the old locker room space.
Board member Ann Boeve asked for a list of options for the board’s next meeting.

In a survey sent to district residents two years ago, 87 percent of respondents expressed concern about the current locker room facilities, according to Deragisch.

Personnel changes
Current band and choir instructor Brent Steinert will be full-time fifth- through 12th-grade band for the second semester.

There are 84 students in band, and Deragisch estimates the numbers could jump to 115 students next year.

Elementary choir instructor and special education instructor Jodi Ackerman will take over the high school choir.

"Now we’ve got an individual that’s very dedicated and showing great results," said Board Member Gary Esselink. "I think as a board we should support that."

Marie LaRock will increase her speech/language time by 12 hours per week at a cost of $4,636, because student numbers have doubled.

Mary Mudder will work full-time in the elementary school, replacing Jodi Ackerman, and the district will hire a part-time special education instructor for the high school at a salary of $15,000.

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