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Concerns about music program aired at meeting

By Jolene Farley
A room full of parents attended the Hills-Beaver Creek School Board meeting Monday night to express concern over the status of H-BC's vocal and band programs.

Speaking for the group, Lorraine Sandbulte said the quality of the high school music program has deteriorated greatly in the last few years.

"I am just sad, sad, sad, sad," said Sandbulte, who has been involved in the music program in various capacities for 14 years.

She said the senior high choir is singing pieces the junior high choir used to sing. The parents stressed the need for change in the program, or they felt there would be nothing left. Several students have decided to quit the music program unless changes are made.

Sandbulte suggested that maybe Jodi Ackerman, who currently teaches vocal music at the elementary level, should be allowed to take over the vocal program in the high school.

Alan Harnack, who was running the meeting in Chair Roland Crawford's absence, offered some background on H-BC's music program status.

He said a five-year sabbatical granted to a previous music teacher made hiring difficult because applicants knew they could be let go if the absent teacher decided to return.

When the current instructor, Dawn Griepp, was hired, she was the only applicant for the position, according to the board. "What if we let go of a person and there are no other applicants?" asked board member Ann Boeve.

After the band parents left the meeting, Harnack spoke in defense of Griepp, stating, "There are kids and parents that think she is doing a good job with the program."

The board's indecision on the issue was clear after a vote to terminate GrieppÕs contract split 3-3.

With Crawford absent, only six members of the board were present. The board will revote on the motion at the next meeting on Tuesday, May 29.

In other board business:
oContracts were terminated for elementary teachers Chris Louwagie, Angie Blosmo and Jodi Ackerman. A motion passed to rehire Angie Blosmo to work exclusively at Little Patriot Academy. Rehiring Jodi Ackerman will likely occur at the next board meeting, according to Boeve. Louwagie, a non-tenured teacher, lost his position.

oSuperintendent Tom Knoll suggested a more conservative dress code for commencement exercises. "I have had 20 to 25 people talk to me about the attire of our kids," said Knoll. Any policy changes would take effect next year.

oSuperintendent Knoll advised the board that a "re-examination of Patriot Millworks" is needed. "We are really violating, probably, a law," said Knoll.

Some H-BC students have been issued checks for $200 to $300 without payroll taxes withheld, according to Knoll.

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