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Computer in every classroom the goal

By Jolene Farley
Internet access for every Hills-Beaver Creek classroom is one step closer following School Board action Monday.

The board approved a three-year lease through Apple Financial Services for the use of 50 computers, four printers and one server. The district will pay $19,508 per year for the use of the equipment.

"One of my goals was to put a computer in every classroom," said Superintendent Dave Deragisch. The lease program allows that goal to become a reality.

Deragisch pointed out the district usually spends more than $25,000 per year on technology purchases. The elementary school currently has 13 computers that need to be replaced and the high school library has seven computers that need to be replaced.

According to terms of the agreement, the district will be charged no interest on the lease the first year with an increase to 3.5-percent interest the second year.

The lease agreement includes Apple Care maintenance, which could save the district money on repair costs.

At the end of the lease the district has the option to purchase each piece of equipment for $1.

Two of the leased computers would be laptops, and school nurse Lois Leenderts could carry one back and forth between the elementary and the high school. The other could be used wherever needed.

The high school classrooms are internet ready, but the grade school classrooms would need a T-1 phone line connection and a server installed before teachers and students could access the Internet, according to Deragisch.

The board suggested asking Technology Coordinator Roger Jackson to install the computers over the summer, possibly with the help of a technologically savvy student.

Costs associated with internet service for the schools could be reimbursed through technology grants, according to Deragisch.

Pairing with Luverne
Superintendent Deragisch and the board continued discussion on the varsity baseball program.

The board was offered two options at an April meeting for declining numbers in the varsity baseball program.

One option was to drop to the junior varsity level, another option was to go ahead with scheduled games for the 2003 season and hope to fill the team.

The board had decided to drop to the junior varsity level.

At Monday's meeting the board decided to go with a third option. Deragisch suggested the board consider pairing with Luverne for varsity baseball.

He also suggested pairing with Luverne for gir's softball. This arrangement would equalize the number of boys' and girls’ sports currently offered by the district.

The board directed Deragisch to continue talks with the Luverne district.

In other business ...
Hills-Beaver Creek schools will begin a program to honor loyal employees or "anyone affiliated with the school in some capacity or another" for their years of service. Honorees will receive an award and a token of appreciation from the district.

Teachers Rachelle McGill, Mary Mudder, Cindy Larson, Chris Louwagie and Jodi Ackerman were tenured by the board.

Deragisch showed video of a section of pipe at the high school that frequently plugs up. The district has spent $1,200 trying, unsuccessfully, to correct the problem.

Current pipes are cemented under the existing building. The board directed Deragisch to check into the cost of installing new pipe outside of the building versus trying to clean out existing pipes.


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