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Community center sold to private buyer

By Jolene Farley
A $19,000 bid for the Beaver Creek Community Center, offered by auctioneer Duane Mulder, was accepted at a special Beaver Creek City Council meeting Thursday, March 28.

Mulder, Luverne, said he plans to convert the structure into an indoor auction facility.

"WeÕll be doing some interior work, some painting and increase the lighting in there for sure," he said.

Mulder previously held auctions at the Luverne Armory. "Every winter we are locked out of there (because of gymnastics); thatÕs the reason we went to Beaver Creek," he said.

"WeÕve been looking for a facility closer to Sioux Falls. This is exactly what we were looking for."

Beaver Creek officials decided to advertise for bids on the Community Center after realizing city property currently stored in the building could be moved to the new fire hall after construction on that structure is completed, according to Mayor Al Blank.

"The city felt we just couldnÕt keep it open for the occasional income it brings," he said.

The building, about 45 years old, was rented out for a $200 fee for dances and auctions. It was also used (free of charge) for events such as Memorial Day programs, FFA meetings or senior citizens gatherings.

"I think some of those things will probably be held in the elementary gym now," said Blank. "We donÕt have a large meeting room in the new facility."

At a council meeting on Thursday, March 21, Blank opened sealed bids for the building. The city received bids of $2,900, $5,500, and $14,900.

Council member Julie Buysse made the motion to reject all the bids, including the high bid of $14,900 made by Bruce Dysthe, Beaver Creek.

"The council made a move to turn the bids down. We thought we should get more money," said Blank.

Blank said after the meeting Beaver Creek residents approached him and told him the council should have accepted the $14,900 bid by Dysthe.

Dysthe hoped to use the building for storage for his construction business.

Blank called a special council meeting on Thursday, March 28. Dysthe agreed to renew his offer of $14,900 but requested an immediate answer from the council.

During the meeting when the council called for other bids, Mulder topped DystheÕs $14,900 bid by $500. Dysthe and Mulder continued to bid against each other until Mulder offered $19,000.

"When the bidding stopped, we moved to accept," said Blank.

Mulder takes possession of the Community Hall Oct. 1.

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