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Becoming a positive covid statistic

For What It's Worth
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I finally became a Covid statistic just before the end of 2021 when I tested positive.
Even though I was fully vaccinated, I still contracted the virus. I knew from the get-go that was a very strong possibility.
The reason I went in for testing wasn’t because I was sick and had all the symptoms. It was more like I was a half a bubble off plumb on the feel-good level. Of course, Mary was relentless in her encouragement for me to get tested.
We had planned to connect with family over the New Year’s weekend, and more as a precaution and concern for other family members — and to get Mary off my back, I went to the Sanford drive up testing site at the ambulance garage.
I was tested at 10 a.m. and then followed post-test protocol and went home and waited for the results.
The New Year hadn’t started yet, so my “be more patient” lifestyle hadn’t kicked in yet.
I kept checking My Sanford Chart with no results, so I called the Sanford Medical Center and was told my results were being processed.
I was on my stationary bike when my results finally came back. I about fell off my bike when I saw “POSITIVE” typed just below test results.
I called the Star Herald office with the news, and they couldn’t believe it.  Next call was to the family to cancel our New Year’s plans.
Mary came home shortly after I completed my phone calls, and I told her the results. As you can imagine, there was an onslaught of “I told you so,” and of course followed by a couple of “I knew it.” There wasn’t much I could say but, “You’re right as always.”
We put together the housing arrangement for my five days of quarantine. Honestly, three of the five days were over the holiday weekend, so it wasn’t a huge work issue.
Like I said earlier, I am fully vaccinated, and while the vaccine didn’t prevent me from getting the virus, I am here to tell you I give the vaccine full credit for my very mild symptoms. 
I actually enjoyed my quarantine time. For the most part I felt pretty good, and by the time Day 5 rolled around, the bubble on the feel-good level was about dead center.
I know you heard this many times before, but from my experience, getting vaccinated is the way to go.

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