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It's not only pride, it's ingratitude

Built on a Rock
Rev. Dr. Phil Booe, St. John Lutheran Church, Luverne

Family is one of God's first and greatest gifts. From the beginning, God created the family as the foundation of human society. He gave us husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters.

In the family we find love, support and a sense of belonging. It is within the family that we first experience unconditional love and learn to love others in return.

The family is a reflection of God’s love for us, and marriage is a microcosm of Jesus’ relationship with his Church. The union of man and woman, who then bring children into the world, is God’s design for how we are to fulfill his first and most basic command to us: “Be fruitful and multiply.”

Over time, it appears we have become ungrateful for this precious gift. We take it for granted. Some even begin to resent God’s gift of family and, in their privilege (having been already born from the union of a man and woman), they reject God’s design and seek to supplement their own fallen ideas.

Even some churches completely reject parts of the Bible simply to reconcile their desire to conform to this world rather than God’s will.

St. James even cautions us against this when he asks, “Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?”

As you know, June is now so-called “Pride Month.” It’s about celebrating the sinful and prideful rejection of God’s design for sexuality.

At its heart, it is a manifestation of ingratitude. It represents a departure from the Biblical understanding of family and sexuality, which is grounded in the complementarity of man and woman and the procreation and nurturing of children.

The LGBTQ movement, with its redefinition of marriage and family, undermines the very foundation of God’s design for human relationships.

This movement is not just an attack on traditional values but an affront to God’s Word. It promotes a worldview that dismisses the blessings of family as God intended.

By embracing a lifestyle that contradicts Scriptural teachings, society forgets where these blessings come from. This ingratitude leads to a life focused on self-gratification rather than the selfless love exemplified in the family.

Yet, even in the face of this cultural shift, there is hope. Hope for those who still believe in the Bible and hope for those who have fallen into the temptation of pride and homosexuality.

Where is that hope? In Jesus. In the face of sin and rebellion, God offers a path to reconciliation. He enables us to replace pride with humility, recognizing that we are not the authors of life.

Through faith, we can replace ingratitude with thanksgiving, acknowledging God's good gifts. And by the Holy Spirit, we can replace sin with repentance, turning away from ways that lead to destruction and embracing the new life found in Jesus Christ.

Are you living a life marked by gratitude for God’s blessings, especially the gift of family? Are you willing to stand for the truth of God’s Word, even when it is counter-cultural?

May we all turn back to God, seeking His forgiveness for our ingratitude and asking for His help to live lives that honor Him. For in Christ, there is forgiveness and a newness of life.

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