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Immanuel — God with us

Built on a Rock
Pastor Gary Klatt, St. John Lutheran Church, Luverne, Minnesota

Israel was frightened for the difficult times that they were living in. War was imminent and the enemies seemed too large for them to defeat. The common people were desperate and without hope because the leadership didn’t seem to have any answers. Israel was in danger of losing everything.
Isaiah, the prophet of God, comes to King Ahaz with a message from God. God has not abandoned His people even though many of them have abandoned Him. God is ready to help. To prove God’s faithfulness. He gives King Ahaz the opportunity to ask for any sign from God and He would do it. King Ahaz refuses God’s offer even though he and his people might lose everything. King Ahaz doesn’t want anything to do with God because then he would have to acknowledge Him and he just can’t make himself to do that.
God’s love for His people will not allow Him to allow them to be destroyed. God gives King Ahaz a sign/promise that only He can fulfill. God says, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Immanuel means “God with us.” This miraculous conception could only be accomplished by God. This child would be a constant reminder to all who would know him that the God of Israel was a God of His Word. When He promises to watch over and care for His people, even when they don’t deserve it, He will do what He promises. God did preserve Israel from her enemies despite the unbelief that they exhibited.
You might be questioning the faithfulness of God to care for you today. You might be burdened with fear and anxiety about the state of our nation and the world. You might have concerns about your marriage and family during these quickly changing times. It may seem like the evil is too large for us to handle and in reality it is! But “Immanuel” has come in answer to our prayers. “God with us,” Jesus Christ is able to deliver us and care for us. He is the answer to all of our concerns. He is the almighty God that created heaven and earth. He is your creator and what He has created He will always care for, even when we are not deserving of His provision.
During this Advent and Christmas season Christians are blessed to hear this Good News again. We are reminded like every generation of Christians before us that God has not forsaken us because of our sinfulness. He has compassion and mercy for each of us no matter how great our wickedness or evil may be. His love for us will not shrink. He has proven that over and over again when He calls us to repentance for the forgiveness earned for us by Immanuel, Jesus Christ when He died on the cross and rose again from the dead. Immanuel, God with us, sacrificed Himself to defeat the enemies of sin, death, and the devil that want only to destroy the things that God loves. The victory is ours by faith in the One who came to fulfill the sign/promises of God in our midst.
Rejoice every day that God has chosen to live with you in your world. He walks with you where you go. He will strengthen you for the journey that He has prepared for you that will one day end with you living forever with Him in heaven.  Share this good news with everyone.
A blessed Christmas to all!

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