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Board members approve 'Luverne School Foundation'

By Lori Ehde
Luverne School Board members formally approved the creation of a Luverne School Foundation during their Monday night meeting.

Appropriately following woeful discussion on the future of education funding, the board approved a resolution that puts the wheels in motion to establish a vehicle for accepting private donations.

With the Southwest Minnesota Foundation serving as the umbrella organization, the Luverne School Foundation will be able to accept tax-deductible donations exclusively for the benefit of the district.

It will not serve the same purpose as Dollars for Scholars, rather the board views it as a potential "sister" foundation to Dollars for Scholars.

A committee of School Board members Becky Walgrave, Bill Stegemann and Don Bryan will meet with Superintendent Vince Schaefer Thursday, Jan. 9, to work out the details.

It will be set up to accept undesignated funds to be channeled toward technology or other identified areas of need. In addition, it may accept designated funds earmarked for needs specifically identified by donors.

The foundation will provide the opportunity to set up endowments, which would use only money generated from interest, or it may accept funds as grants to be used outright.

All gifts to the foundation will be tax deductible.

"At least now we have a vehicle in place to receive donations," Schaefer said.

Administrative salaries
The board approved administrative salaries during regular business at Monday’s meeting.

Schaefer’s salary as superintendent will increase from $91,960 in 2002-03 to $96,098 in 2003-04.

High School Principal Gary Fisher’s salary will increase from $84,751 in 2002-03 to $88,141 in 2003-04.

Curriculum Coordinator and Alternative School Director Jan Olson’s salary will increase from $58,565 in 2002-03 to $60,907 in 2003-04.

Activity Director Harvey Crable’s salary for a one-year contract is set at $37,046 for 2002-03.

These salaries are effective retro to the start of the current school year, July1, 2002.

Playground concerns
Playground Committee member Dan Kopp updated the board on a few concerns that may need attention.

A major storm drain is located in the middle of play area on the southwest side of the elementary school. Water sometimes ponds around this drain causing safety issues.

The chain-link fence may have been placed too near the west side of the building, compromising play space.

Wood fiber chips under playground equipment needs to be replaced about a semi load per year because high winds blow them away. Wood is less expensive, but not when it needs to be replaced that often.

The committee is looking at alternatives to wood chips, in addition to solutions to the other playground issues.

In other business, Monday, the board …
Approved an agreement with Nobles-Rock Public Health to designate the school as a mass dispensing site or clinic in the event of an emergency.

Depending on the emergency, the district will make available its kitchens, commons area and/or gymnasiums.

Formally swore in re-elected board members Walgrave, Stegemann, Kopp and Cary Radisewitz.

Noted the next regular School Board meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 23.

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