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Bike path to be paved next spring

By Sara Strong
Dirt work for the new multi-purpose path from Luverne to Blue Mounds State Park is almost complete.

County Engineer Mark Sehr said, "The contractors are doing the initial grading and prep work for gravel surfacing."

Wet conditions have put the project on a slower pace than originally estimated, so paving will probably be completed next spring. Sehr hopes the crew will be able to finish gravel work this fall.

The county is paying 20 percent of the cost, except for work within the state park.

The trail will be paved from the city of Luverne along Blue Mound Avenue and County Road 8 to the lot near the quarry where rock climbers usually park. From there, the trail will be gravel to what is known as the lower lake.

The trail will cross County Road 8 at the Blue Mound Avenue intersection two miles north of Luverne. It will be marked with signs and a crosswalk for biking and walking safety.

Blue Mound Riders
and Striders
Because of the upcoming availability of the new path, a local group is forming to offer support and motivation for fitness opportunities the path will offer.

The Blue Mound Striders and Riders, met Sunday and, with a core group of about 10 volunteers, will meet regularly to plan fitness-related activities and events.

Blue Mound Riders and Striders will offer a forum for local people interested in running, walking and biking.

Organizers Terry and Peggy Nelson said joining the group is free and requires no organizational help or commitments and will be non-competitive. They are both runners and enjoy biking.

Terry said, "We’re looking into getting speakers on things like running shoes."

He said novice walkers and even avid runners could benefit from some educational programs on various topics, including weight training and learning new sports such as cross-country skiing. Renting equipment as a group might be another option that they can explore.

Terry said organizing a local group like this saves athletes from registration and travel costs to participate in distant events. "And how many t-shirts can you really buy?" he said.

The Blue Mound Riders and Striders prompt the following considerations:

oDo people need extra motivation for exercising?

oWould support from others who are knowledgeable about the activity help?

oWould learning about fitness-related events in the area or around the region be of interest?

oAre walks around the block or section, and biking the same road getting boring?

The trail might not be as safe for biking and running during winter months, but snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are other activities the group might lead.

For more information or to share ideas with the Nelsons, call 283-2578. They are gathering e-mail addresses to let interested people know when Riders and Striders events are upcoming.

They ask that they get names and e-mail addresses before Dec. 6.

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