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Luverne Lawn Care ribbon-cutting

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Luverne Lawn Care celebrated a grand opening and ribbon-cutting Thursday morning, Sept. 8, at their Harrison Street shop and office. Owners Ross and Mira (Uithoven) Steensma and Nick and Brittany Weidert purchased the mowing and chemicals business from the Luverne Farm Store in February when the longtime local business closed its doors and since then opened in the former Mel’s Alignment building on Harrison Street. Pictured are (front, left) Becky Walgrave, Amber Lais, Cris Oeltjenbruns, Bill Martin, Greg and Marilyn Uithoven, Ross and Mira (Uithoven) Steensma, Nick and Brittany Weidert, Grace Steensma, Matt Van Grootheest, Elaine Steensma, Annie Opitz, (back row) Tyler Bush, Knute Oldre, Adam and Linda Uithoven, Steve and Terri Steensma, Ryan Oye, Jan and Jeff Weidert, Cade Ver Steeg, Andy Steensma, Pat Baustian and Bob Junak.

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