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H-BC homecoming includes daytime volleyball, morning parade

Lead Summary
Mavis Fodness

Hills-Beaver Creek High School celebrates Homecoming 2022 with activities that begin a new tradition and a new time for the homecoming parade.
New this year is a girls’ volleyball game played at 12:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23, at the secondary school in Hills. The Patriots will take on Edgerton.
Both the elementary and secondary students are invited to watch. Edgerton will also bring its sixth- through 12th-grade students.
“We wanted to give our volleyball team a homecoming experience they will never forget,” said secondary principal Andrew Kellenberger.
“Having both student bodies in one gymnasium is going to give our teams that state competition crowd with a homecoming-spirit feel.
“Our student body plans to travel to Edgerton next year for their homecoming.”
Both the varsity and the junior varsity volleyball team will play Sept. 23.
The event follows the 11 a.m. parade through Hills, which is a new time for the event and includes elementary students participating.
Organizers caution that the volleyball game is a public event but spectators should expect a large crowd with standing room only viewing.
Homecoming candidates and class representatives were selected last week in preparation for the homecoming week beginning Monday.
Coronation takes place at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19, at the secondary school.
King candidates include Taylor Frederickson, Luke Fuerstenberg, Alex Harris and Cody Moser.
Queen candidates are Amalia Ternus, Jenifer Martinyuk, Elly Klosterbuer and Taylor Huisman.
Mistress and master of ceremonies for coronation are Olivia Bork and Brayden Metzger, respectively.
Class attendants are juniors Carter VandeVoort and Brynn Rauk, sophomores Cameron Allen and Gracie Fagerness, and freshmen Eduardo Wegener and Claire Knobloch.
The homecoming football game is 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23, against Westbrook-Walnut Grove.
The H-BC student council plans a tailgate meal before the game. Other tailgate meals are planned for Oct. 7 and 19.

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