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Community Events Sept. 28, 2023

‘Night Before Gettysburg’ Sept. 29 at Vets Home

“The Night Before Gettysburg” will be performed at 2:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 29, at the Minnesota Veterans Home, Luverne. Playwright Chuck Johnson, Perham, brings President Abraham Lincoln’s thoughts to life in a short, three-act play that offers a glimpse of the 16th president’s state of mind as he writes his “Gettysburg Address.”

The event is free, thanks to a Legacy Grant through the Arts Council, and the public is invited to attend.


Community Ed

Community Education will offer the following classes in the next few weeks. Call 507-283-4724 to register.

Register by Sept. 29 for Cardinal League Com. Ed Basketball for grades 3-6. Fee is $50. (Participants (grades 3-6) that want to travel out of town in addition to the local Cardinal League, should register for the Harrisburg League at prior to October. (That will take care of your Cardinal League registration, too).

Join the Rock County Master Gardeners on Oct. 2 for a garden tour in Brandon, South Dakota. Talk with experts at Oakridge Nursery & Landscaping and Cherry Rock Farms to answer your questions. Fee is $12 and includes a box lunch.


Living Works Safe Talk Sept. 30 in Hills

Learn the warning signs of suicide and how to prevent it at a four-hour workshop, Living Works Safe Talk, Saturday, Sept. 30, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Hills. Call Diana Buffington, 507-920-2506, for registration information.


Historical Society event at Palace Oct. 2

The Rock County Historical Society Annual Meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 2, at the Palace Theatre. There will be a brief business meeting, historical reenactment and video presentation, updates, election of directors for the RCHS board. Free popcorn and water will be available. The event is free and open to the public.


CoffeeBreak Storyhour starts Oct. 3

CoffeeBreak starts at 9:30 a.m.Tuesday, Oct. 3, featuring speaker Marilyn Uithoven. The group meets at 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays to study the Bible, starting with Mark 9-16. 

StoryHour is for children 3 years old through Kindergarten. Nursery is available for the littlest ones. There is no charge or no prior Bible knowledge is necessary. All faiths and all ages are welcome. Call Kristi Stroeh at 507-227-5102 with questions, or email

Shredding truck Oct. 7

St. Catherine Carmelites will host the Dakota Shred-It truck from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 7, at the Luverne Laundry Room parking lot. Freewill donations are accepted. Watch your paper being shredded on the truck monitor. No need to remove staples or paperclips.

Rock the Edge hosts annual food drive Oct. 8

Rock The Edge will host the 8th Annual Citywide Food Drive on Sunday, Oct. 8. Youth will be canvassing the city of Luverne beginning at 3 p.m. Please place non-perishable food items in a bag and place on your porch or outside your front door (please, no out-of-date
items). Help us help others.


Community Ed

Have you ever wondered about your ancestors? Where did they come from, where they lived? Learn how to find the answers at Beginning Genealogy on Oct. 9. Fee is $10.

Taking Defensive Driving Classes allows adults 55 years of age and older to save on insurance premiums.  After the beginning 8 hour class, every 3 years drivers take a 4 hour refresher class.  The schedule for Luverne classes follows:

Refresher 4 Hour Classes –October 9, November 13, or December 11; Beginner 8 Hour Class - February 5 & 12 (4 hours each evening)

Learn how to use Google Sheets to create spreadsheets for work or home at Google Sheets for Awesome Beginners on October 10This is a virtual class offered through Zoom on October 10. Join us at Community Education or attend from your home or office. Fee is $20.


Bloodmobile in Jasper Oct. 11

The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will accept donations from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11, in the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Make an appointment at or call 800-733-2767. A blood donor card or driver’s license are required at check-in.


‘Paint the Prairie Purple’ Oct. 14

To help raise awareness and show supoort for the Dementia Awareness Walk  on Oct. 14, organizers encourage “Paint the Prairie Purple” during the week of Oct. 8-13. Pictures of decorated home and business exteriors can be sent to

The event is sponsored by SW MN Dementia Awareness Network (SWDAN).


Dementia Walk Oct. 14

The Dementia Awareness Walk is Saturday, Oct. 14, at the Luverne City Park. Registration begins at 9 a.m. with the walk at 10 a.m.

One hundred percent of the funds raised will remain local and be used to increase awareness and to promote dementia education.

In case of inclement weather, the walk will take place at the Generations Event Center in Luverne.

For more information or to register contact Linda Wenzel at A.C.E. of SW MN, 507-283-5064.


Community Ed

Children 0-5 years along with parents are invited to use the Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom for Outdoor Play Time on October 18.  There is a morning or evening session.  No fee, but registration required.

 Register by October 18: Students (grades K-6) can learn to decorate Halloween themed cookies like a professional at B's Bakehouse on October 28. Fee is $35.

Census info needed for preschoolers

Families new to the community are encouraged to call Luverne Community Education at 507-283-4724 with information on children ages 0 up to kindergarten.

The district uses the information for planning purposes and to alert families about school opportunities. Families with 4-year-olds not yet screened for preschool should call to schedule a screening prior to kindergarten.


SAIL classes continue in Beaver Creek

SAIL classes meet from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. every Monday through Wednesday through Oct. 25 in the Beaver Creek City Council Meeting Room. The free classes, Stay Active and Independent for Life, improve strength and balance. Call A.C.E. of SW MN manager Linda Wenzel, 507-283-5064 or A.C.E. volunteer Nancy Lange, 605-838-5915.


Library Happenings

For more information about library happenings, call 507-449-5040 or email

Story Time with Bronwyn is 10:30 a.m. Fridays through Nov. 17.

Books on Tap takes place at 6:30 p.m. the first Monday of each month at Take 16 in Luverne.

The 50 State Challenge for adults and older teens is currently underway where patrons are encouraged to read a book set in one of each of the 50 states through Jan. 1, 2024.

Trivia Night is at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of every month at Take 16 in Luverne. Team registration is at 6 p.m.


Kits available at library

Libraries in the Plum Creek Library System have Storytelling Kits in a wide range of subjects from ABCs to Zoos. Each of the more than 130 kits contains a variety of materials based on the kit’s theme. Some include Wonderbooks, puppets, music CDs and DVDs. Various learning activities can also be found in the kits.

Reminiscence Kits are available featuring various topics such as gardening, pets, baking, sewing, farming and hunting. The kits are designed to use with a loved one experiencing memory loss, encouraging loved ones to open up about activities they once loved in the past.

STEAM kits are also available checkout. Motion, lights, hydropower, robotics and magnets are among the kits.


Food Shelf evening hours

The Rock County Food Shelf is open for an additional evening shift from 5 to 6 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month. Call Mary at 507-227-5548 or Katie at 507-227-3531.


A.C.E. respite care available, volunteers needed

A.C.E. of SW Minnesota (A.C.E.) offers respite care services in Rock County for those needing a break from caring for a loved one.

The respite program offers short-term (1-3 hours), temporary care for families and caregivers by providing a brief period of reprieve from the daily cares they provide to their loved one.

Volunteers provide non-professional supportive services to caregivers to give them time for themselves, relieve their stress and help them remain healthy.

Respite care volunteers are also needed. Trained A.C.E. volunteers provide respite care to family caregivers of adults age 60 and older who are suffering from long-term health conditions.

Contact Linda Wenzel at 507-283-5064 or



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